Non-Health GDP Loss Calculator : The socio-economic factors have had an important bearing in determining outcomes (including mortality) during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is therefore important to analyze the economic impact of non-health components of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is because the point of interest is the indirect impact of mortality on non-health consumption expenditures since the use of health services or goods does not generate utility or welfare by itself. GDP includes medical and health expenditures; therefore it would be more appropriate to assess the impact on the non-health components of GDP. This is aligned with the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for quantifying the economic impact of a disease or an injury.
Economic losses in terms of Non-Health Gross Domestic Product (NHGDP) across various age brackets can be estimated to facilitate comparisons and to initiate advocacy for an increase in health investments against COVID-19.
where āiā represents ānā age-gender cohorts; Di = deaths at the given age and gender; DYLLi= Discounted Years of Life Lost; NHGDPPC= Non-Health GDP Per Capita
GDPPC= GDP Per Capita
PCHE= Per Capita Health Expenditure
r= Discount rate for the value of life (18).
Where, YLLi=Undiscounted Years of Life Lost
LE= Life Expectancy
AAD= Average Age at Death
Midpoint age is used as the age of death for all the age brackets, considering the legal minimum age for working as 15 years.
Sensitivity analysis NHGDP loss can be computed using excess death estimates if data is available.